Meet the KRCC Team

email: richie (at) krcconline.com

November 17, 2024 — Retiring Pastor Glenn passing the “baton” to our new Senior Pastor, Richie Kyburz.
Welcome to Pastor Richie and his family to Kirkwood Road Christian Church
Statement of Faith
Who We Are:
KRCC is a non-denominational fellowship of people from all walks of life. We have no
creed but Christ, no name except what is found in the New Testament that describes
followers of Jesus Christ, and no human hierarchy that governs us. We have no tests of
fellowship that are based upon creeds or human tradition. We are an independent
church whose dependency is on Jesus Christ and the word of God.
What We Believe:
–We believe that the Bible is the complete and inspired word of God.
–We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that His very nature is, was, and
always will be divine.
–We believe that Jesus was born into the world through the virgin Mary and that
He died for the sins of mankind.
–We believe that Jesus rose on the third day according to the scriptures and that
He is at the right hand of God the Father always interceding for His people.
–We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Holy Godhead and that
He resides within every believer of Jesus Christ.
–We believe that every believer in Jesus Christ has been given spiritual gifts to be
used to build up the body of Christ and expand the Kingdom on earth.
–We believe that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” which
means that no human being except Jesus is or has ever been morally perfect.
–We believe that salvation can only be obtained through faith in Jesus Christ.
–We believe that one responds to the gospel message in the same way the early
believers responded:
o Believe in Jesus Christ – John 3:16
o Repent of sin – Acts 2:38
o Confess Jesus as Lord – Romans 10:9-10
o Be baptized (immersed) in Jesus’ name – Acts 2:38
o Be faithful to death – Matthew 10:22
Why We Exist:
We exist to glorify God by worshipping Him alone and by being obedient to His
commands. Our purpose while on earth is to be His witnesses, striving to connect
people to Christ and others while building people up in their faith through love.