Visit us on Sunday
When you arrive, you'll see a large parking area on the south side of the building. Park anywhere on the lot. We have two doors -- enter either door, and you'll be greeted by a friendly smile and shown the way to the auditorium for Sunday service. (If you need an elevator, use the West Entrance. That entrance has no stairs leading to it.)
If you have children with you, our greeters will walk you to the Children’s Church area and show you our Nursery Space.
CLICK HERE to read why some of our current church families attend KRCC.
Some answers to FAQ
—Communion is served every Sunday morning, Be sure to pick up the communion cup when you walk in the door.
—The Praise and Worship team starts our Sunday service with a mix of contemporary Christian music and hymns
—We do not pass an offering plate during Sunday Service. You’ll find baskets to take your donation. We also have a link to donate online. DONATE
—We broadcast our Sunday service live on Facebook LIVE. If you’re not able to join us, be sure to watch there. You can also watch past sermons there, too
—KRCC is a Christian, non-denominational, Bible-based church. We will not ask you to stand or introduce yourselves during service. Some of us may come over and say, “Hello” and welcome you before or after the service.
—We are a casual congregation. Jeans and t-shirt are always appropriate. Be sure to pick up a bulletin when you walk in on Sunday morning. It will list all the upcoming events and activities. The bottom is a tear off form if you’d like to share your name and email so we can send our newsletter to you.
—Our goal is to make you feel welcome and comfortable.
—If you have questions, or want to talk to Pastor Richie before you visit, email (richie(at) or complete this form:

Located at the corner of
Essex and Kirkwood Roads
in Kirkwood, Missouri